Sunday, 25 October 2009

The height of laziness

I like a nice cup of tea, most people I know do. Most people I know who make tea will dispose of a used tea bag in it's rightful place - the BIN. Unfortunately the people I work with do not fall into this category. They also seem to have a great deal of trouble with the milk. If you take the milk out of the fridge, surely you'd put it back in afterwards? Or, in one particular case, if someone has left the milk out of the fridge and you make yourself a tea, would you not then put it back where it belongs? No. If you're this particular person you'd put it back where you found it. You might then get asked by somebody WHY you haven't put the milk back in the fridge, only to respond 'I didn't take it out. I was just putting it back where I got it from'. WHERE'S YOUR FUCKING COMMON SENSE!?!

Most of the kitchens I have ever been in tend to contain the both a sink and a bin, normally located fairly near to each other, in close proximity to the kettle. I'd hazard a guess that the average distance between sink and bin is somewhere around a metre. In some cases, like my house, the bin is closer to the kettle than the sink. I would imagine that this has somehow evolved over time since the introduction of the electric kettle.

It really amazes me how lazy some people can be. I will freely admit that I am not the most dynamic person you'll ever meet, but you'll never catch me leaving a tea bag in the sink. It's just fucking nasty.

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